
Hi there!

My name is Sophie. I am 22 and I live in the UK.

I have created ‘The Dairy-Free Foodie’ to give me somewhere to share my ideas, thoughts and ramblings about living life without dairy. I love to cook (and to eat!) and have, over the last year, found many different tips, tricks, recipes and adaptations to make dining without dairy fun and interesting.

I gave up dairy in April 2013 due to numerous issues with my health. I have been diagnosed with PCOS, a condition which- aside from every other horrible symptom- is aggravated by a hormone which is naturally found in cow’s milk. I have also had eczema since I was a baby- another condition linked often to dairy. So I gave it up. I said goodbye to cheese, to chocolate, to cake, to ice cream and to pizza.

It hasn’t been an easy journey at all. Before going dairy-free, I had no idea just how many of my ‘staple’ foods contained milk! However, rather than live on salad, vegetables and pasta, I got creative. As someone who loves to cook, it seemed a very natural step for me to experiment in the kitchen and try to create dishes that were just as good- if not better- than the foods I was craving.

I don’t really have a plan for this blog. There are lots of questions I had as I cut out dairy products and I had to find out the answers for myself. I’d like to create a sort of dairy-free encyclopedia of tips, tricks, suggestions, adaptations and information. In addition to this, as someone who loves to cook, there will also be recipes for some of my favourite dairy-free dishes.

I hope some of you out there will find this blog (when it gets going!) helpful.

First ‘proper post’ will be up shortly. If anyone wants to ask anything please don’t hesitate to get in contact.


Much love,



One thought on “Hello!

  1. Welcome! I know exactly how you feel. I had to cut out dairy only a few months back. It’s a hard transition, but I feel so much better now. I look forward to your future posts 🙂


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